Former Dutch Parliament member and Somali-born writer and activist, Aayan Hirsi Ali talks with us about Islam and her work.
Continue reading “Aayan Hirsi Ali on Islam and the West”
Hackathon: TechCrunch Disrupt
Over 300 hackers vie for the chance to pitch their great idea in front of 1000 VC/tech industry insiders. Add to the mix a 20-hour time limit and you get a recipe for creative madness.
TechCrunch Disrupt: Hackathon Day 2
More than 40 groups of hackers spent 20 hours working their tails off to come up with next “big” idea. Each of the groups were given 90 seconds to pitch before a panel of industry experts. Three winners were chosen: Toronto-based Twitter Demographics, Future Mario and Worst Phone Ever. Continue reading “TechCrunch Disrupt: Hackathon Day 2”
New York Becomes A Hub For Entrepreneurs
For those tech disrupters ready to pack their bags and return to Palo Alto because pursuing a tech life in New York is unsustainable, think again. Continue reading “New York Becomes A Hub For Entrepreneurs”
How Are You Disruptive?
We ask a number of founders and people working for startups: how are you DiSrUpTiVe?
Publisher, Rafat Ali, on Life After paidContent
Publisher, Founder and Editor of paidContent announced this week he was leaving his company in July.
He spoke with us at TechCrunch upcoming plans.
How CP can help you
From the germ of an idea to the finished product, Corcoran Productions will work with you every step of the way. From shaping the story, to shooting and editing we will provide you with video content for your presentation, website or other media needs. Whether your content is a 60-second “welcome” on your website to an on-going webisode or a 30-minute project to complement your seminar or presentation we are at your service to provide you with meaningful content that will resonate with your audience.
Corcoran Productions offers these services:
Shoot: Have an industry conference or business event you want documented? We can shoot it for you and edit the session into brief topic-specific video segments to archive on your website.
Edit: We will edit and organize what we shoot, or review your pre-existing video material and help you develop a succinct story.
Manage: Your video content in various hosting sites, on a web series and help you with text and choosing the best photograph or audio selections to complement your multi-media experience.
Economize: are trained journalists that can ask the right questions, shoot, edit and package your story in a timely fashion. The one-person bands or small crew is an added plus for capturing intimate moments often missed by a large crew.
New AIDS resources added
I have added a list of valuable links to AIDS information let me know.
Continue reading “New AIDS resources added”
Preparing for the Tech Crunch conference
Next weekend and the first part of the week of the 23rd, I am volunteering at a three-day disrupt tech crunch conference and plan to “flip” some segments and post on the site.