Afghan Chronicles: Day Four, Navigating a War Zone

2:30 a.m. I am jolted awake with a muscle spasm in my calve. I am off my exercise routine of daily running and weight lifting. Like a packed mule, I lug over 60 pounds of camera equipment, but the exercise is not the same. I move between cramped car to a shoot, scrambling to capture the story, and then settle back into a cramped car for an hour and then pounce again.

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Afghan Chronicles: Day Nine, Delhi in Less Than 10 Hours

I’m on the plane, heading to Dehli. N’Shallah.

At the airport, within 10 yards of each other, I pass three checkpoints where I am told to open my luggage.

One police officer would not let me advance to the ticket counter until I showed him “my International I.D.” International I.D.?! I never heard of one. He said everyone had one and I needed to call someone at ACKU to bring me one. If I didn’t produce one I couldn’t leave the country. Continue reading “Afghan Chronicles: Day Nine, Delhi in Less Than 10 Hours”

Dr. Abdullah Abdullah on his Opposition Strategy

Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, Leader of the Democratic Opposition Party in Afghanistan, spoke with us on his party’s strategy.

The informal press conference was held at in New York City. It was held after Time Magazine’s, Joe Klein interview with Abdullah Abdullah

Dr. Abdullah Abdullah was invited three months ago by a group of non-governmental organizations, to participate in talks in Washington and New York.

Media reports say he was snubbed after the White House’s warm embrace of President Karzai’s visit a couple of weeks ago. It was rumored that two mid-level administration representatives did meet with him. It was not confirmed who they were.

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Afghanistan’s Great Donor Scandal: Higher Education

Billions of dollars are poured into Afghanistan each year to ostensibly bring stability to the war-ravaged country.

A lack of shared national or international vision or strategy, no security, rampant corruption, Afghanistan is a place most do not want to dwell.  International donors, wanting a quick fix and an end to the Afghan war, throw millions of dollars at short-sighted projects that add little or no value to the Afghan community it vows to support.   Continue reading “Afghanistan’s Great Donor Scandal: Higher Education”

Rebuilding Afghanistan, One Book At a Time

Rebuilding Afghanistan One Book at a Time video

In 2006 Nancy Hatch Dupree founded the ACKU from the over 45,000 documents she began collecting in the 1970’s, with her late husband, Louis.

We spent a week documenting some of the programs Nancy and her ACKU team undertake to educate their fellow Afghan citizens. On this day Nancy leads the ACKU to a school one hour from Kabul center. It is the first time the school of 8,000 students will have a library.