The Bund Tourist Tunnel takes people from Pudong New Area, the financial district in Shanghai, to the Bund or older center in Puxi, another district in Shanghai. About four minutes underneath the Huangpu River, the only locals we saw in the tunnel were the ticket takers. Most Shanghaiers take the wifi-friendly and highly efficient subway in a third of the time and a fraction of the price.
For a context, think if New York City added a multi-million dollar Disney-like ride that parallels the PATH train from Jersey City, NJ, Hudson River, Manhattan. The small subway cars reverberate with electronica music, strange voices and lights, meteor showers, puppets and other elements that makes one feel like they are having a hallucinogenic flashback, even if they never took hallucinogenics.
This video embodies the weird fascinating dream-like state that is Shanghai. Like anyone who travels to a foreign place for their first time, the senses are heightened and everything in sight, no matter how mundane, becomes exotic. To give an idea of what this fascinating city felt like, we peppered some Shanghai images from the overworld into the underworld. In China? Watch it on Tudou or YouKu.